Root Cause Analysis (RCA) in mechanical components
Understand the cause of failures in mechanical components and optimize your decision making.
With the result of this analysis, it is possible to understand the possible causes of the particular event, which may be: design, manufacturing, assembly and/or in its application.
This way, decision making is directed, as it will be focused on the cause of the problem and consequently reduce cost and time.
Eigendauer works with root cause analysis of components such as bearings, gears and shafts.
Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM)
Through the Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM) technique we are able to design parts optimized for additive manufacturing.
As a result, it is possible to obtain lighter components (Lightweighting) or components with new functionalities.
Through the manufacturing analysis it is also possible to analyze the residual stresses and distortions of the process in order to optimize the manufacturing.
MIP Manufacturing Interaction Platform
The software will consist of a platform, where the user can define the processes to be used according to each component (bearings and gears, for example).
By using technologies such as digital twin and artificial intelligence, the software reduces losses and delivers the durability required for the component’s final application.
We are an engineering company focused on the continuous improvement of surface integrity of mechanical components.
Coming events
18 e 19 – OUT – 2023
São josé dos campos sp – BR
The Brazilian Gear Conference ITA-WZL
Parque Tecnológico São José dos Campos
Centro de Eventos, Auditório 1.
Estrada Dr. Altino Bondensan, nº 500, Eugênio de Melo, São José dos Campos – SP
Contact us
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Parque Tecnológico São José dos Campos. Estrada Dr. Altino Bondensan, 500. Eugênio de Melo, São José dos Campos – SP. CEP:12247-016.