Privacy Policy

Privacy and Data Protection

Last updated June 15, 2023.

1. Introduction

At Eigendauer, we value the security and privacy of your personal data. Therefore, we have prepared this document to inform you which user data is collected during the use of our website, or in the use of our digital services.

We also aim to inform you how this data is collected, stored, used, the reason for the collection and what your rights are as the holder of this information.

2. Who We Are

O Controlador de seus dados pessoais, para os fins desta Política de The Controller of your personal data, for the purposes of this Privacy Policy, is the company Eigendauer, with address at: Parque Tecnológico São José dos Campos. Estrada Dr. Altino Bondensan, 500. Eugênio de Melo, São José dos Campos – SP. CEP:12247-016.

Website address:

Any questions, suggestions or complaints about this Privacy Policy can be sent directly to the person in charge, through the following contact: [email protected]

3. What personal data we collect and why

The types of data collected by us varies according to the way you use our website or services and the use of this data is treated respectfully, being used only in the terms described in this document.

We only ask for personal information when we really need it to provide you with a service and we do this in fair and lawful ways.

By using our services or browsing our website, you will be deemed to understand and accept that we may collect and use your information in the ways described in this Policy.

Our site may contain links to external sites that are not operated by us. Please be aware that we have no control over the content and practices of these sites and cannot accept responsibility for their respective privacy policies.

You are free to decline our request for personal information, but you should understand that without this information we might not be able to provide some of the services you desire.

3.1. Cookies

Cookies are small text files sent to your browser when you access a web page. These files allow us to store and retrieve information regarding the access you have made.

3.1.1 Types of Cookies used

Necessary Cookies: These are essential cookies that make it possible to navigate our applications and access all features; without these, our services may perform poorly or not work at all.

Performance cookies: These are cookies that help us optimize the functioning of our website, since they provide information such as date and time of access, type of browser used, origin of access, language, pages accessed, time of permanence, among others (e.g. Google Analytics Cookie). This information is important for us to better understand how our site is being used and thereby improve the user experience and site security.

Functionality cookies: We may also use session cookies (which expire when you close your browser) or persistent cookies (which stay on your device until you delete them). These cookies may be used when we need to remember your preferences and choices (for example your username or e-mail address).

Advertising Cookies: These are cookies that target ads based on your interests and limit the number of times the ad appears.

Third-party cookies: These are cookies that may be used by third parties on your equipment. For example, when we embed videos from YouTube or similar sites, you may receive cookies from these sites when you access this content. You may also notice sharing buttons on our blog. These buttons allow you to easily share content on a number of popular social networks. When you click on one of these buttons, a cookie may be set by the entity you have chosen to share the content. These third-party cookies are not under our control. For more information about their use, please visit the specific website of these third parties.

3.1.2. Cookies Management

The installation of cookies is subject to your consent. Although most browsers are initially set to accept cookies automatically, you can review your permissions at any time, in order to block them, accept them or activate notifications for when some cookies are sent to your device. But not allowing them to be used may compromise your use of the site or service you want.

To manage your browser’s cookies, simply do so directly in the browser settings you use, in the Cookies management area.

3.2. IP Addresses

In some cases we collect potentially personally identifiable information such as IP addresses. However, we do not use this information for identification of users, but rather for purposes such as data filtering by location or security checks.

3.3. E-mail

When you interact with us via email, we may store this information and/or create data that allows us to interact in a personalized way with each user according to their preferences and previous interactions, such as (but not limited to) clicks, opening emails, downloaded content, etc.

If you use the site’s contact form to contact us, some personal data may be collected and stored, such as name, email address and phone number, for customer service purposes.

This data will be stored for as long as we believe it is necessary for better customer service.

4. With whom we share your data

In order to preserve your privacy, we at Eigendauer do not share your personal data with any unauthorized third party service.

Your data may be shared with our business partners described in this document. They receive your data only to the extent necessary to provide the services contracted.

However, our partners have their own Privacy Policies, which may differ from this one. We recommend that you read these documents, which you can access here:

HOSTING SERVER. We use Godaddy’s hosting services, (Godaddy Privacy Policy), which hosts our site and stores our database.

GOOGLE FONTS. Our site uses web fonts provided by Google. When you open a page, your browser loads the necessary web fonts from the browser cache to display text and fonts correctly. To do this, your browser must establish a direct connection to Google’s servers. Google then becomes aware that our web page has been accessed via your IP address. More information on how to handle user data can be found in the Google Privacy Policy..

LINKEDIN. When you click on the Linkedin button on our website, some information may be shared with Linkedin, such as your ip address, location, time, browser, etc. More information at

INSTAGRAM. When you click on the Instagram button on our website, you will be redirected and some information may be shared with Instagram, such as your ip address, location, browser, etc. More information at

In addition, there are also other hypotheses in which your data may be shared, which are:

I – Legal determination, request, requisition or court order, with competent judicial, administrative or governmental authorities.

II – In case of corporate movements, such as mergers, acquisitions, and incorporations.

III – Protection of Eigendauer’s rights in any kind of conflict, including judicial ones.

5. International data transfer

Some of the third parties with whom we share your data may be located or have facilities located in foreign countries. In such circumstances, in any case, your personal data will be subject to the General Data Protection Law and other Brazilian data protection legislation.

In this sense, Eigendauer is committed to always adopting efficient cyber security and data protection standards, in the best efforts to guarantee and comply with legislative requirements.

By agreeing to this Privacy Policy, you agree to this sharing, which will take place according to the purposes described in this instrument.

6. How Long We Keep Your Data

Your personal data collected on our website ( will be used and stored for the time necessary to provide the service or to fulfill the purposes listed in this Privacy Policy, considering the rights of the data subjects and of the controllers.

In general, your data will be kept for as long as the relationship between you and Eigendauer, as defined herein, continues.

Once the storage period of personal data is over, they will be deleted from our databases or anonymized, except in the cases legally foreseen in article 16 of the General Data Protection Act, namely:

I – Compliance with legal or regulatory obligation by the controller;

II – Study by a research body, guaranteeing, whenever possible, the anonymization of the personal data;

III – Transfer to a third party, as long as the data treatment requirements set forth in this Law are respected;

IV – Exclusive use by the controller, with no third party access allowed, and provided that the data is anonymized.

That is, personal information about you that is indispensable for the fulfillment of legal, judicial and administrative determinations and/or for the exercise of the right of defense in judicial and administrative processes will be kept, despite the exclusion of other data.

The storage of data collected by Eigendauer reflects our commitment to the security and privacy of your data.

7. What rights you have over your data

It is on the basis of your consent that we process your personal data. Consent is the free, informed and unambiguous expression by which you authorize our office to process your data.

Thus, your data will only be collected, processed and stored upon your consent.

Your consent will be obtained in a specific manner for each purpose described above, evidencing the commitment to transparency and good faith that we have with the users of our site, following the relevant legislative regulations.

By browsing our site or using our digital services and providing your personal data, you are aware and consenting to the provisions of this Privacy Policy, in addition to knowing your rights and how to exercise them.

At any time and at no cost, you may revoke your consent.

It is important to point out that the revocation of consent for the treatment of data may imply the impossibility of the adequate performance of some functionality of the site that depends on the operation. Such consequences will be informed in advance.

Eigendauer assures users of the website of their rights as a data subject provided for in Article 18 of the General Data Protection Law. Thus, you may, free of charge and at any time:

Confirm the existence of data processing, in a simplified manner or in a clear and complete format.

Access your data, being able to request them in a legible copy in printed form or by electronic means, secure and suitable.

Correct your data by requesting to edit, correct or update it.

Limit your data when it is unnecessary, excessive or treated in violation of the law.

Request the portability of your data, by means of a report of the registration data that our company handles concerning you.

Delete your data processed with your consent, except in cases provided for by law.

Revoke your consent by unauthorizing the processing of your data.

To be informed about the possibility of not giving your consent and the consequences of refusing it.

To exercise your rights as a data subject, you must contact our office through the following available means:

Email: [email protected]

In order to guarantee your correct identification as holder of the personal data object of the request, it is possible that we request documents or other evidence that can prove your identity. In this case, you will be informed in advance.

8. How we protect your data

When we store data, we protect it by commercially acceptable means to prevent loss, theft, disclosure, or unauthorized access.

To keep your personal information secure, we use physical, electronic, and managerial tools designed to protect your privacy, such as the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption protocol designed for the Internet that allows secure communication between the client and server sides of a web application.

Among the measures we have adopted, we also highlight the following:

Only authorized persons have access to your personal data.
Access to your personal data is made only after a commitment to confidentiality.
Your personal data is stored in a secure and safe environment.

We apply these security measures taking into account the nature of the personal data collected, the context and purpose of the processing, and the risks that possible breaches would create to the rights and freedoms of the data subject of the data collected and processed.

Eigendauer is committed to adopting the best possible measures to avoid security incidents. However, it should be noted that no website is entirely secure and risk-free. It is possible that, despite all our security protocols, problems may occur that are exclusively the fault of third parties, such as cyber attacks by hackers, or also as a result of the negligence or imprudence of the user/customer.

In the event of a security incident that could create material risk or harm to you or any of our users/customers, we will notify those affected and the National Data Protection Authority of what has occurred, in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Act.

9. Final Provisions

For us at Eigendauer, privacy and trust are fundamental to our relationship with you. We are always updating to maintain the best security standards.

Thus, we reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time and the changes will be effective immediately upon publication.

By continuing to browse our applications after these changes become effective, we understand that you agree to them.

We advise you to always check this Privacy Policy and in case of any questions, please contact us by the following means:

Email: [email protected]

This Privacy Policy was last updated: June 15, 2023.